March 6, 2019
It’s officially that time of year again and some of you may be panicking about the upcoming deadline. But don’t worry we have collated a selection of our top revision tools to help you ace your DVSA annual assessment 2020-21 first time!
A practical revision tool created by the brainbots here at MOT Juice – a Mock Annual Assessment!
Featuring a range of questions based around this year’s curriculum, why not put your knowledge to the test and see if you are ready for the real thing after all!
Our hybrid training curriculum blog goes even deeper into the training curriculum for this year, focusing on the ‘Alternative Fuel System’ category in the curriculum.
As this is a new topic for this year, it may be worth brushing up on your knowledge in this area if you don’t want to get caught out.
the ultimate guide to alternative fuel systems
Master the proven techniques experienced MOT testers use to achieve a successful, first time pass in the Annual Assessment.
download our 20 best practices pdf
AKA The MOT Testing Bible, this handbook will get you up to scratch with everything there is to know about MOT Testing, incredibly helpful for those tricky assessment questions.
Download the MOT Testing Guide to unlock 234 pages of pure knowledge!
Or why not try our more digestible 11 page Annual Tester Training Curriculum for 2018/19.
This handy guide goes over all the topics that will feature in this year’s Annual Assessment. Brilliant!
Feeling ready?
Get that important task out of the way today by taking the real Annual Assessment for only £34.00 + VAT by clicking the button below!
I’m ready to take my annual assessment
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When not trying to tear the chicken strips off his Ducati’s tyres, Sean can be found coordinating the production of our training and CPD, keeping tabs on the finances, writing content for our blogs, guiding our marketing efforts and working with the team to plan out future development and evolution of MOT Juice.