October 17, 2022
This scary time of year is the perfect to review some of the horrors our MOT Testers have come across during the year.
Check out these ghastly tales of downright dangerous vehicle fails we’ve seen in our garages recently
This VW Passat was presented to us with a fractured lower arm. Whilst you might be able to drive this kind of broken control arm for a few days, any more than that and your suspension will end up with shocking problems. This ghastly gash is sure to create a dark story for the owner of this vehicle.
Although this is not considered a testable item, a gearbox with this kind of damage could easily result in a gruesome breakdown, putting your car out of action or even leading you to a fearsome fright.
This run flat tyre was still in daily use when we came across it. Get your tombstone ready … wouldn‘t like to ’Count Dracula’ on this tyre for an emergency stop.
‘…my car goes clonk in the night!
It is important to replace missing bolts as soon as possible. The extra ’good vibrations’ won’t do this wheel rim any good.
This corroded control arm was on its way to the grave long before it arrived on our forecourt. Corrosion like this never has a fairy tale ending; it’s much more likely to result in a chilling conclusion
This is a spiky little critter! Our tester wasn’t best pleased when he ran his hand around this tyre!
Trick or treat? This shocking coil spring looks like it’s about to fall right through the control arm. Not much use for cushioning against things that go bump in the night. Certainly not in the spirit of good maintenance and rubbish for running over zombies.
Knots in the belt webbing are an immediate fail, but more than that, this belt would provide no restraint for the person sitting in this seat in the event of a crash. An invitation to create more walking wounded I‘d say
If you come across any outrageous vehicle failure that would terrify our tribe of testers, send a good picture and brief description over to us at marketing@motjuice.co.uk to be featured in the next edition of MOTJ Testing Horrors Special and win a free limited edition MOT Juice T-shirt for your effort.