November 7, 2022
As providers of the MOT scheme, we all know the importance of compliance. However, sometimes even innocent mistakes can result in a breach of compliance, leading to potential disciplinary action by the DVSA.
Check out this list of eight common compliance errors which can easily be avoided by adding some simple safeguarding processes to your MOT workflow.
1. Make sure you are logged off once a test is complete
The biggest problem occurs when a test is left logged in overnight. To safeguard against this, the SM should always check the MTS for unfinished tests before testers leave for the day.
2. Ensure all MOTs are conducted on the MOT ramp/bay
It might seem appealing to increase the throughput of tests on your MOT ramps by completing the test in an empty non-MOT ramp once brake and emissions testing has been done. However, this process clearly breaches DVSA compliance. If noted by a VE, it would result in unwanted disciplinary action.
3. Ensuring all brake retests have a brake test conducted
It can be tempting to cut corners in the name of efficiency, but these processes are in place for a reason. Failure to follow the correct procedure can damage your reputation with the VE and result in potential DVSA sanctions.
4. Take vehicle details from the vehicle directly rather than copying them off the job card
All of us are prone to the occasional typo. Taking the vehicle details from the vehicle directly rather than the job card acts as a failsafe procedure. It ensures you aren’t liable for unwittingly repeating mis-recorded information from a colleague. This is a significant problem for both the DVSA and the car owner.
5. Check your TQI every month
Monthly checks of your TQI data have been a DVSA requirement since 2018. Still, our research shows that many testers aren’t routinely checking this. The MOT Juice system sends you a notification when it is time to check this data. It makes it super simple to view your stats and leave relevant comments, acts as an audit trail of your acknowledgement of this data, and protects you when the VE calls.
6. Undertaking QC checks monthly
Monthly QC checks are mandatory. The MOT Juice system allows you to easily log these for easy proof of compliance. Aiming to complete these in the first half of the month ensures these are not missed due to sickness or holiday absences. The DVSA expects you to routinely identify areas of improvement in your processes, test routines, and use of equipment. They also look for detail on follow-up action that has taken place (i.e., extra training or discussing best practices etc.). This indicates that you have appropriate internal quality-checking procedures.
7. Immediately remove access to MTS if someone leaves your business
If this is not done, it is easy for a tester to accidentally, or on purpose, log tests against your site after their employment with you has ended. This could result in disciplinary action not against the wayward tester but against your VTS or the site AE. Ensure that only the people listed on your MTS profile are current employees of your VTS.
8. Review your test logs in MOT Juice monthly
It is increasingly common for VEs to focus on the detail of your test log history during face-to-face or telephone reviews. Adding notes to any unusual test logs at the time makes explaining the situation to a VE six months later much more manageable. These notes should include the detail of the scenario and anything you are doing to prevent a re-occurrence in future. Further investigation and possible disciplinary action are likely if you cannot provide this information to the VE on demand. Furthermore, where any significant issues are discovered, reporting these directly to the DVSA rather than waiting for the DVSA to uncover them will result in much less severe consequences. The MOT Juice system filters have been carefully designed to minimise the number of flagged tests, highlighting only relevant tests that warrant checking. This makes this job much quicker and easier.
The MOT Juice system has been carefully curated to make your compliance quick, easy and straightforward. You can expect timely notifications and easily viewable colour-coded KPIs, making your compliance obligations simple. Additionally, you can configure your own filters. This allows you to analyse your VTS data effortlessly for simple business optimisations that save your business time and money.
What have you got to lose? Take a free 30-day trial of the MOT Juice solution today and see how easy it can be to optimise your compliance.