Here at MOT Juice, we’re constantly evolving our software to ensure we are constantly delivering the best products for our members. We’ve had an incredibly busy month in June trying to update our software experience in a range of areas. Here’s what we’ve been up to during June 2021. Updated[…]
How much are your MOT operations a key part of your aftersales landscape, and what if the DVSA took it away tomorrow? With VE’s back on the road after lockdown, armed with information which enables them to make targeted inspections, and their new powers of “immediate cessation” – it’s more[…]
Here at MOT Juice, we’re constantly evolving our software to ensure we are constantly delivering the best products for our members. Here’s what we’ve been up to during May 2021. New Training Module Question Formats Introducing 2 new training module question formats – Fill in the Blank and Open Ended[…]
By Failing to Prepare your MOT Site Manager(s), You are Preparing to Fail In these turbulent times, the last thing you need to worry about as a business owner is if you could prove to the DVSA that you have complete control of your MOT compliance, and whether you would[…]
It’s almost the end of yet another DVSA Training and Assessment year – except this time it’s unlike any we’ve had before (for a lot of testers). April 30th marks the end of the 5th year of training and assessments, which also means that for the majority of testers, they’ll[…]
We’re fast approaching the last months of the 2020-2021 training and exam year, which means volume of exams being completed is skyrocketing. Over the last month or so, we have been working on rebuilding the annual assessment page for Testers to make sure we continue to deliver a seamless and[…]