October 1, 2019
We’ve spent the last couple of months re-building our mot QC check template process to add more functionality as well as making it easier to use.
Read on to find out performing QC checks on the MOT Juice system has become even easier.
How is that possible you say….
What is MOT Juice and how does it work?
We have changed:
Today, we launched a new method of QC checking to help encourage a high level of testing standards within your MOT business. The MOT Juice ‘Re-tested’ QC check is designed to compare findings from an MOT that was completed by 2 separate MOT testers.
With our latest update, we’ve changed how you input QC checks that you have completed using your own company processes and forms. We have aimed to make entering your QC details into your MOT Juice system much easier.
QC Checks must be performed on both classes of MOT testers. If you need a form for your MOT Business simply follow the links below to our FREE MOT QC Check Template forms.
MOT QC Check Template Motorcycles – Classes 1 and 2
MOT QC Check Template Cars and vans – Classes 3,4,5 and 7
We’ve had a lot of feedback since originally releasing our routine QC checks last year. We’ve upgraded the menu bar so that you can easily record notes and actions as you go. We have also provided the ability to jump to sections of the QC check making it much easier whilst being able to track progress within each section.
On every QC check you have the ability to record actions that the tester needs to complete before their next QC check. With our new update, we’re introduced the ability to state exactly how each action was completed when checking it off the list. This therefore helps to improve the audit and progress trail within your QC process.
We’ve always allowed uploading documents to recorded QC checks. Because some MOT Juice users asked for the ability to add documents to their routine QC checks we have now added this in. This means when you reach the end of your routine QC check, you can scan or take a photo with your smartphone/tablet and upload any documents to the QC check.
We’ve made it much clearer to testers which of their QC checks have been acknowledged and which have not. When a tester logs into their MOT Juice account, they’ll see a grid with their most recent QC checks and easily see what ones they need to review. Not only that, but we’ve also added a date and time stamp so that as the business owner, you can see when each of your testers are reviewing their QC checks and acknowledging them.
Have you ever done a QC check where the outcome wasn’t the best, and wanted to arrange another QC check in the coming days? You’re not alone. Now when you finish a QC check in the MOT Juice system, you can schedule the testers next QC check – perhaps there’s some actions you need the tester to complete before they test vehicles again, so you may want to schedule a QC check in the next 2 days to ensure the tester has resolved any issues picked up in their recent QC check.
This feature sends everyone involved in the QC process a notification what the original result of the QC check was, when it occurred and when their next QC check has been scheduled, as well as a reminder on the day a scheduled QC check is due.
For more information on our latest updates to QC checks and what MOT Juice can do for you. Please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team for more information on
01293 911 120
Since studying IT and design in high school I have always had a passion for designing and building websites and systems. Working for MOT Juice has allowed me to design a lot of the user interface our users see and interact with on a day-to-day basis. My experience includes over 10 years with Photoshop designing websites and system User Interfaces, 12 years of HTML, PHP and CSS coding, 3 years of learning jQuery and 8 years working within the motor industry. In 2021, I started learning Python, Apache, C# and Ruby to add to my coding skillset.