September 10, 2019
We make it easy for tester to fulfil mandatory DVSA requirements with regards to TQI analysis and review.
Review this data (TQI) regularly and look into any unusual differences and record the outcome.
DVSA website – Using MOT test quality information: guidance for MOT testers – Published 10 October 2018
MOT Juice can download every testers test quality information automatically every month. Analyse the data and clearly show failure rate variance to national averages. It is easy for the tester to record reasons for variance and any action they need to take.
The MOT Juice management overview can see TQI review progress in detail including any action that is needed.
TQI, or Test Quality Information, is the data which the DVSA collect for each MOT tester and compare them against the national average for a range of failure categories.
The need for further training can be identified by analysis of TQI. MOT centre managers and AEs can also use this information to help monitor and improve the standard of testing at their site(s).
The DVSAs vehicle examiners will look at this information before they visit a VTS. During a site assessment, they’ll look for evidence of any action taken by AEs where they find unusual differences in the data.
Improving testing standards by sharing test quality data – Matters of Testing Blog – Simon Smith 8/7/2016
All testers AEs and AEDMs are required to show that they are regularly reviewing, understanding and acting on their TQI data.
How AEs can use this (TQI) information
TQI will help you manage the quality of testing at your facility. How you use it will depend on how you manage the site, its size and number of staff, etc.
You should review this information regularly and look into any unusual differences in the data; documenting the outcome of any investigation you’ve undertaken and what action you took. An example could be if a tester’s fail rate for a component category is 20% and the national failure rate is 8%.
In this case, you could organise quality control checks on failed tests where the tester has failed components within that category. You could check the tester’s understanding of the pass/fail criteria then record your findings.
It’s important to show that you’re reviewing, understanding and acting on the information found on the system.
Improving testing standards by sharing test quality data – Matters of Testing Blog – Simon Smith 8/7/2016
The AE of an MOT centre must grant MOT Juice the AEC (Authorised Examiner Consultant) role for their business.
This allows MOT Juice to download and perform a TQI Analysis of the data with our unique algorithms. Each tester can view their analysis within their MOT Juice account.
Where there is a variance to national average it will be highlighted.
Review of the highlighted data must be completed by the tester. Where appropriate they should record notes as to why it may be at variance. Action that may be necessary to address variances should also be recorded and completed.
MOT Juice will allow you to oversee this whole process at management level with the purpose of improving testing standards.
By recording your TQI data each month with MOT Juice, you’re actively fulfilling a DVSA requirement. Above all when the VE comes to inspect the site and asks ‘can you show me how you are reviewing your TQI regularly?’, you can load up your MOT Juice account and prove you are.
If you’re already subscribed to MOT Juice, adding the TQI analysis tool to your subscription is easy. Simply log into your Client level account and navigate to your Subscription Settings page.
Log in and trial TQI Analysis via your subscription settings
If you don’t have an MOT Juice subscription, you can try our Quality management system including the TQI analysis tool-free for 30 days.
Since studying IT and design in high school I have always had a passion for designing and building websites and systems. Working for MOT Juice has allowed me to design a lot of the user interface our users see and interact with on a day-to-day basis. My experience includes over 10 years with Photoshop designing websites and system User Interfaces, 12 years of HTML, PHP and CSS coding, 3 years of learning jQuery and 8 years working within the motor industry. In 2021, I started learning Python, Apache, C# and Ruby to add to my coding skillset.