Tax is one thing – MOT is another In a plot twist that could rival the most dramatic soap opera, the British government has executed a lightning-fast U-turn on its plans to change tax rules for double cab pick-up trucks. It all started with an announcement that from July 1[…]
A COVID-19 testing solution is right under our noses The Government will always be slow to react and so its time the private sector started to wade in. We have the unrivalled opportunity to provide a COVID-19 testing solution via our network of 26,000 locations across the UK supported by 65,000[…]
HOW TO REDUCE YOUR VTS RISK SCORE What is and how can, a Quality Management System (QMS), help you control your DVSA Risk Score I recently came across two owner-operators of MOT Vehicle Testing Stations that expressed confusion and worry over their DVSA VTS RAG Score being in the red.[…]
MOT tools and equipment and tools need to be kept in order. Here is our advice on how to keep prepared for a site visit Barry Babister from MOT Juice provides guidance on how you should prepare your MOT for the inevitable DVSA site review with regards to your MOT[…]
MUST READ: Diesel Emissions Testing Info This week we are taking a look at the smoke limits for Diesel vehicles. We will also be taking a look at the Euro emissions for Diesel and Petrol cars.
The Ultimate Guide to Hybrid Testing Hybrid testing and MOT testing of electric or alternative fuelled vehicles is perfectly simple when you know what to look for. In this article we are taking a look at the things you need to be aware of when testing alternative fuel vehicles.