Get Clean Or Get Out! Working in a B2C business, you are undoubtedly aware of the importance of providing reliable and professional customer service. Many garages rely on word-of-mouth promotion and ‘digital word-of-mouth’ via platforms such as google reviews to provide a steady stream of business. Our industry maintains a[…]
Have your say now. The Department For Transport (DFT) and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) are planning a public consultation on the future development of the MOT Scheme for early 2023. As an industry, we have an opportunity to consult before the process becomes public. MOT frequency could[…]
For many of us, 2022 has been an opportunity to get back to business as usual in this ‘post-pandemic’ landscape. With large-scale social events and international travel back on the agenda and not a lockdown in sight, I feel we have breathed a collective sigh of relief. We’ve had some[…]
New statistics released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) indicate that over the last three years, the most significant relative increases in long-term sickness of all working-age individuals were in those aged 16-34 years. Men comprised 61% of this group. The total number of people classed as long-term sick[…]
As providers of the MOT scheme, we all know the importance of compliance. However, sometimes even innocent mistakes can result in a breach of compliance, leading to potential disciplinary action by the DVSA. Check out this list of eight common compliance errors which can easily be avoided by adding some[…]
Almost 700 MOT Testers have been disqualified from practice over the last two financial years, representing a massive increase of 49% from the previous two-year period (April 2018 to March 2020). These statistics illustrate a notable rise in DVSA actions over recent years that aren’t limited to action against Testers.[…]