Get your DVSA annual MOT tester exams online now! You must do your MOT training and your annual assessment by 31st March 2019 or your Authorised Tester Status could be removed.
How many of these have you done to stay qualified as an MOT tester? Stay qualified as an MOT tester. The DVSA say you must do 5 these things . We can help you with all of them.
Have Your Testers Done Their MOT Training and Assessment? Time is running out to that crucial March 31st deadline! You need to make sure your testers have done their MOT training and assessment
Step into the new year prepared! Get 2019 off to a great start by completing your Annual Exam today!
Annual DVSA Training Delivered in Bite-sized Pieces! MOT GARAGE OWNERS Why lose your staff for a full day to training courses when the annual DVSA training courses can come to you? Online training delivered to each tester means they do not need to take time out of work – and[…]
Get ahead of the game, save money and find out your ‘RAG’ score with our site auditing tool! How the MOT Juice compliance suite can help you solve a real world problem…