We’re fast approaching the last months of the 2020-2021 training and exam year, which means volume of exams being completed is skyrocketing. Over the last month or so, we have been working on rebuilding the annual assessment page for Testers to make sure we continue to deliver a seamless and[…]
Christmas and New Year opening times and dates 2019/20 Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Here at MOT Juice, we’d like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please note, that during the festive season we[…]
Over the last few weeks, MOT Juice has been looking at how we can make our secure system even more… well, secure. Here at MOT Juice, our aim to to take our understanding of new technologies and learning how we can apply them to the system you use on a[…]