MOT Annual Assessment – a complete guide to to taking the annual assessment for MOT testers. In this blog about the MOT annual assessment you will find the answer to these questions. What is the MOT Annual Assessment? What do I need to know to pass the MOT Annual Assessment?[…]
MOT Tester Annual Training is an essential responsibility of MOT Testers. Each year MOT Testers must undertake 3 hours of training. keep a record of their training Maybe you are a new tester, a new MOT manager or just want to make sure your knowledge of MOT Tester training is[…]
How to manage and control your MOT risk rating with a quality management system (QMS). I recently spoke to two owner-operators of MOT vehicle testing stations who were confused and worried about their red MOT risk rating. Confused as to how their red risk rating was calculated and worried because[…]
Using MOT Test Quality Information – Your essential ‘How-To’ guide What is TQI? How do I interpret my TQI? Why do I need TQI? Why is TQI important?
MOT QC Check Template Updates – Our QC checks have had a fresh lick of paint. We’ve spent the last couple of months re-building our mot QC check template process to add more functionality as well as making it easier to use. Read on to find out performing QC checks[…]
TQI analysis tool is live! We make it easy for tester to fulfil mandatory DVSA requirements with regards to TQI analysis and review. Review this data (TQI) regularly and look into any unusual differences and record the outcome. DVSA website – Using MOT test quality information: guidance for MOT testers[…]