TQI analysis tool is live! We make it easy for tester to fulfil mandatory DVSA requirements with regards to TQI analysis and review. Review this data (TQI) regularly and look into any unusual differences and record the outcome. DVSA website – Using MOT test quality information: guidance for MOT testers[…]
Your complete training record is finally here! Over the last 12 months, many of you have been asking for the ability to record all your historic and external training and exams within your MOT Juice accounts.
TQI Guidance for MOT Managers In October 2018, the DVSA published new MOT TQI Guidance for MOT managers explaining what information MOT testers and managers should regularly check. It’s now a requirement that testers need to understand more about how to read their TQI data. The DVSA’s official guidance below[…]
Over the last few weeks, MOT Juice has been looking at how we can make our secure system even more… well, secure. Here at MOT Juice, our aim to to take our understanding of new technologies and learning how we can apply them to the system you use on a[…]
HOW TO REDUCE YOUR VTS RISK SCORE What is and how can, a Quality Management System (QMS), help you control your DVSA Risk Score I recently came across two owner-operators of MOT Vehicle Testing Stations that expressed confusion and worry over their DVSA VTS RAG Score being in the red.[…]
MOT tools and equipment and tools need to be kept in order. Here is our advice on how to keep prepared for a site visit Barry Babister from MOT Juice provides guidance on how you should prepare your MOT for the inevitable DVSA site review with regards to your MOT[…]